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Pretty Little Liars - Season 6, Episode 6 'No Stone Unturned' [Recap + Review]

Aria cuddles up to a new rat friend
 With each new puzzle and half-answer, Pretty Little Liars is getting closer to its Summer Finale (3 episodes to go, people!) and look how pleased Aria is! We're only kidding, but the most recent episode 'No Stone Unturned' featured a whole host of critters including rats and raccoons, which was certainly an interesting choice from the show. As usual we will be summarising the highlights of the episode in our recap below first, with our review of the overall episode following after that. So, if you haven't seen it yet and don't want a spoiler-filled recap, then skip below to our review section! 


Another day, another problem in Rosewood (seriously, has no one ever thought of moving?). This time it's Lesli and the Liars are convinced that she is up to no good. Hanna wants to get things moving and solve this mystery quickly (she really has improved her productivity levels from the first season) and charms her way into getting Lesli's car from a clueless valet. Teaming up with Spencer, Spanna then investigates the vehicle and finds a key card they can use to get in Lesli's lab. Great idea. I'm sure if Lesli was A she wouldn't, you know, have it booby-trapped or anything. Wicked plan. We also find out Lesli wears fake glasses (really?) and some impromptu trying on of the spectacles ensues, with Spencer really rocking that look. 
Spencer tries on her new look 
Meanwhile Aria and Emily are going to put Clark's photos back, and on their way out they happen to run into Clark (aka. Creepy Person #2) who insists on helping Aria look for her 'tripod' (a poor excuse she has made up for being back there). Emily then promptly ditches Aria for new bestie Sara (seriously Emily?? You've known this girl for what, a few weeks? Talk about poor misuse of the Buddy System) and Aria is left alone with Clark trying to 'help'. Time out, Emily is seriously coming across as a fixer-addict (think Cameron in HOUSE) and appears to love broken people. She really needs to sort out her priorities. But back to the recap. Emily is offered a fantastic opportunity to go to Thailand but turns it down to look after Sara after she gets supposedly 'grazed' by a vehicle coming home. Of course, this all seems very suspicious. 
Emily & Sara; gif by Swedishfishrule on Tumblr
Caleb appears to be feeling more and more out of the loop in this episode, running to Hanna's mum for comfort (the two appear to be on real buddy terms), whilst Hanna is avoiding him like the plague. But, after coddling Hanna for too long, Caleb is done with it and marches into Hanna's room, tell her she needs to quit it, and the two begin a long make-out session in her room. 
Caleb & Hanna; gif by alisonqueendilaurentis on Tumblr
It's a pity the same can't be said for Spoby (Toby & Spencer) as the former has been completely absent recently while new guy Dean makes the moves on Spencer. This is somewhat a recurring theme when Toby isn't around, and we wonder how long this one will last. Dean is interested in kissing Spencer, Spencer sort-of rejects him, but still seems interested. This stuff can get very confusing sometimes! Make up your mind Spencer, and where the hell is Toby? Does he have some sort of absent-quota to fill? Does he get a bonus every time he is 'away' and someone tries to hit on his girlfriend? These are important questions. Another Liar who seems to have a barrel of bad-luck in this episode is Aria, who finds a creepy doll in a junk-yard that looks like her (apart from the utensil stuck in its bloody eye) and seems upset when she finds Ezra chatting up another woman. 
The creepiest DIY doll ever?
Although, she does get her former beau to willingly give her a reference for her photography competition with massive embellishments. You win some, you lose some? Back at Leslie's lab, Spencer, Aria and Hanna investigate. The trio find that they have chips in the back of their necks when Hanna accidentally stumbles upon a metal-detecting device. 
"Why am I beeping?!"

Spencer is on hand to figure out the problem and the trio aren't best pleased. After which, Hanna, in a moment of caged-sympathy, releases a raccoon and rat (you have to love her). Spencer and Hanna are cornered, Aria comes in and has a rat jump on her shoulder and the group are promptly saved by Mona who shows up in a most creepy fashion. 

Surprise, bitches.
Whilst the group seem convinced Lesli is Charles, Mona is not, and says that Lesli simply doesn't want people to think she is unstable. She does however reveal that Lesli and Charles escaped Radley on the same night. Wait, what? Oh so Charles isn't dead then (not that we ever believed he was). The Liars seem unconvinced, but Mona shoots out some solid evidence and now it seems Charles isn't actually dead. Go, figure. Back at Emily's, Emily tries to investigate Sara for a chip but Sara wakes up and starts kissing her. How convenient. Who's taking bets that she doesn't have one? 
Emily & Sara; gif by Swedishfishrule on Tumblr

Other things that happen in the episode: Peter DiLaurentis receives a super creepy card from Charles which insinuates he is coming back to kill daddy. How sweet. 

Overall creep factor of the episode, a solid 7/10. 


Whilst the episode contained plenty of creepy moments, it was fairly lacklustre in moving the plot along at any substantial pace. The current Emily/Sara saga seems overly contrived and not especially suited to the former's character at all. Thankfully, it seems that we may only have to suffer for a few more episodes in that respect. Spencer and Hanna's dialogue was fortunately one of the more interesting moments, with the two proving they make quite the unstoppable quotation team. We can only hope we see more of them two for the rest of the season. With so many new characters being introduced to Rosewood and so many of the old characters being seemingly forgotten about, we can't help but wonder whether this is a clever move by the show-runners or a simple case of ignorance. Naturally, we hope the former, as it could mean we are building up to something more, but it seems foolish to forget (and neglect) old favourites in favour of introducing some new (and increasingly annoying) characters that don't seem to have much effect on the general storyline. Similarly, last season, Mona had some real 'moments' and Janel Parrish's performance as the character was one of the more favourable moments and yet she has been somewhat absent from the season so far. The same can be said for Sasha Pieterse, who despite being arguably the centrefold of the series has yet to make a strong impact on Season 6, and in particular this episode, which she was notably absent from. Overall, the story was average and didn't particularly add anything, other than to write Lesli off as a suspect, although there were a few funny moments from Hanna, Spencer and Aria. Hopefully the coming episodes will provide a real impact and switch around some of the character dynamics of the season so far. 

Watch the Episode 7 promo 'O Brother, Where Art Thou', below: 

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