Game Funk…
And not the smelly gamer funk. Mostly just hitting a wall or darker patch in my gaming. Plus side, and it is a HUGE one being that I have my X-Wing stuff and that game locally (though ironically not at the Gopher… We’ll have to change that) is going strong. Pretty much what is keeping me sane game wise.
Warmachine is in a Journeyman League now and my chosen army (Rhullic) has so few options in this setting that it simply does not interest me at all. Yes, my fault for choosing an extremely limited Army like this. But I wanted a nice small (pun unintended, but I’ll take it) Army to get back into the game and get in some play time. I felt my Circle had too much potential to stay as broken and silly as I remembered them being. And I suspect I would have played them hyper aggressively like normal and it would have gone badly for the other newer players facing me as I tend to let myself go and just kill everything in my path… I have only faced the Circle once since coming back, and it was a much newer player so my Cygnar “shoot early and often” force did well. I suspect strongly that had a more seasoned player been playing and choosing the army I would have been swept off the table. Kind of the feeling I get playing that game though, there was a pretty steep learning curve coming from 1st edition to 2nd edition, and a lot of what I had in the ancient (for Warmachine’s timeline) times is simply not useful or effective enough against the modern stuff. So, while I have a HUGE Cygnar force in terms of numbers of figures, not a lot of it would do much on the table I think. Yes, I can make a LOT of it effective, depending on the matchups, but I think Cygnar is low to middle of the pack in terms of effectiveness. Decent, but too easy to find hard counters to. OTOH, it HAS a lot of absolutely hard counters to some of the other forces, so things like my Gun Mages are annoying and potentially amazing especially against things that cannot live without their otherwise strong immunities to things like shooting them with non-magical weapons…
40K… Necrons release is… Well, now I guess. So far seen pretty much all of the changes, and it does seem to bring them back in line with the current things leaving the Eldar alone as the “oops” Army or “Elephant in the room” as it were WRT the competitive armies. Wonder how long until they get changed. Could be a simple FAQ change to the Wave Serpent Shield and I suspect a lot of people will see the Army as being powerful, but not completely unbalanced. Will that bring me back to playing? Eh, not any time soon. Fortunately, my wonderful wife is very good about humoring my tendency to horde so many games/armies and assorted toys, so I will likely HAVE the option to get back to it at some point.
Dug up my FoW stuff… Lots of lads in various OD Green uniforms… I painted up my initial US Airborne force in the 1943/44 style, so they are “Mid War”… I have a Platoon of the old M3 Grants ready to roll out… And a few M-3 Stuarts to go with my 82ndforce… One of my Grandfathers was an Armored Cavalry commander during the war, and I know he commanded M-3’s in Africa then later some M-4 Shermans and M-5 Stuarts in Europe, more nostalgia than “effective tanks”. My Battery of 75mm Pack Howitzers is still pretty nice, though I’ve had them overrun a few times by faster German forces… My FoW is very much “Airborne” with Mech support…. May flesh it out some to have my 8th ID/12th Engineers force which surprisingly changed VERY little from 1944 to 1990 when I was assigned to them. Changed in the M-3 Halftracks for M-113’s, but… And we still were issued some of the same damn weapons. My sidearm was an old M1911A1 manufactured by Colt in 1935, the Squad AT weapon (officially at least, we always “secured” LAWs or AT-4’s) was an ancient 90mm Recoilless Rifle. The M-3 Grease Gun was still our submachine gun I carried loaded out with tracer rounds to mark for air support… Oh, and to set bunkers of ammo on fire apparently as “recon by fire” was what we did in Iraq briefly… Soviet ammo shipped in wooden cases, and tracer rounds… Well, let’s just say there were a few fires and leave it at that J… So, FoW is a fun game, but NOT one I think is well suited to Tournaments, and I guess I have not kept up with a lot of the recent releases where the balance issues are apparently quite bad. works in small, limited groups well enough as a fun game though...
Waiting on D&D and STAW Attack Wings to start back up... D&D I have a bit more hope in the long term for, and I will be snagging the Silver Dragon with the Paladin rider :-)... Will look great on a shelf if nothing else...
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