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Morris Dancers of DOOOM for 7TV

When I mentioned to the Friday Night Pals that I needed Armed Morris Dancers for a 7TV game, the reaction was a bemused one. Albrecht said that was a sentence he had never heard before.

These were had from Gripping Beast. They came in good time and are perfectly 28mm. Contrary to the listing's description, they are armed with more than just pistols - two, indeed with pistols, and two with shotguns/rifles - though one of the Morrismen is going to have some difficulty unslinging his piece with a "zyder" jug glued to his face.

Morris Men by Gripping Beast and Telecom Box by Black Cat Bases (?)
These represent the servants of Lady Winterly, the severe mistress of Winterly Grange. A devotee of the Old Religion, her family has held sway over the local countryside for untold generations - but more of her anon. 

Animation: 5
Detail: 5
Proportions: 5
Variety: 5
Overall: 5 out of 5

The Morrismen are shown with the one trace of modern technology permitted in the village - a Brit-telecom phone box. I think I had the box from Black Cat Bases, but the clear resin ones seem to be discontinued...

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