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MAF Starter Is Here!

It's been a long time but we finally have the MAF starter pack!

Every single mini is a winner in this pack. We got ourselves the Vanguard re-sculpts which are a vast improvement over the old ones (to be fair they were some of CBs first Infinity models). Then check out that Raktorak (the Light Flame Thrower is also a typo by the way as it's really a Heavy Flame Thrower),  the Oznat who will probably make any Morat's jaw hit the floor (plus the paint job is awesome on her, nice work Angel), then big and IMO the best model of the group, the Sogarat! Big, mean, and ready to blast you to chunky pieces with his Feuerbach.

We also had some other releases this week but who cares because the MAF starter is here ;)

Nah here's the whole line for those interested:


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